Pro formas made simple for property developers.

Most pro formas are manual and tedious to build. We streamline the process, so you can focus on the decision-making.

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    • AWS Activate

Identifying optimal development opportunities.

Testing unlimited inputs to design for optimized returns.

Dynamically visualizes the most important information for specific stakeholders, letting developers focus on the decision-making.

Simplify complex manual spreadsheets.

So that you can focus on making decisions on the development parameters.

Generate A Baseline

Create a custom pro forma to iterate on for each new project.

We leverage industry standards and tested manual models to provide a toolkit to build your pro forma.

Project Database

Keep track of your past projects in an internal database

Gather learnings and insights from past projects to leverage in future developments.

Define Building Parameters

Identify buidling configurations with optimized returns.

Overlay the City’s Official Plan to identify optimal development opportunities within the constraints.

Get started today

Streamline pro forma generation and unleash new opportunities with Planni.

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